Letters to the Editor
April 2, 2015

To the Editor:
Re. our current trash contract with Harrisons. This is from the 1939 Fillmore Annual City Report:
“Garbage collection is headed by Mr. N. McKenzie, who operates a hog ranch near Santa Paula. He is under a ten year contract, expiring January 22nd, 1945. He collects garbage on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays of each week. He does the collecting in return for the garbage, so long as the price of hogs does not go below five cents a pound on foot. If the price of hogs should go below five cent a pound, then he is to receive $10.00 a month.” Times have definitely changed!
Sincerely, Susan M. Cuttriss


To the Editor:
My mother became ill and I had the opportunity to care for her until her passing. We had always been on the opposite side of the fence, but we became best friends and this experience enriched my life, until I lost her. At that time I became despondent. I did not have proper hygiene, eat or socialize. I was literally the walking dead.
I was passing through the Fillmore Senior Center parking lot and felt drawn to it. Upon entering I was greeted warmly and asked if I wanted a cup of coffee and a pastry. That was the beginning of my new life. I started going everyday. library, computer room, cable TV. wi-bowling and I started to socialize and made new friends. I couldn’t believe they offered such classes as Spanish, Tai Chi, Senior Yoga, Watercolor, Gourd, Busy Hands (knitting and conversation), Line Dancing, Senior Exercise, Social Media and so much more. I wanted to give back to my community and I volunteered at the reception desk a few times a week. Soon it became a daily ritual.
Being a senior citizen I was faced with the obstacles of searching for a job and found the courage to do so due to my volunteering. I entered a program that would pay me to volunteer at a non-profit organization while looking for steady employment. Unfortunately, the Fillmore Senior Center had the carpet pulled from under them by the Fillmore City Council and they were not able to utilize me. The Fillmore Senior Center Board Members, visitors and I were heartbroken.
That did not detour me. I found another job in the program for the County of Ventura and due to the experience, strength and hope the Fillmore Senior Center had given me I am now working and for the first time in six years I will receive a paycheck.
I walk with my head held high and have a sense of completeness in my life. I am grateful to the visitors and members of the Fillmore Senior Center for their encouragement and the restoration of my desire to live a productive life.
I prayed for God to lead me to my path for a better life and later (with the prayers of the Faith Community Church) my prayers were answered. My path started the day I stopped at the center to have a cup of coffee and a pastry.
Thank-you Fillmore Senior Center and Faith Community Church.
All I have to say to the Fillmore City Council is, “SHAME ON YOU!
Daisy Rodriguez