Letters to the Editor
April 17th, 2008

To the Editor:
Can someone tell me why Fillmore needs a five foot drainage pipe down the middle of Central Avenue, when the city has never had any really serious flooding, even in the wettest winters? Isn't this a little over-kill, or is more development being planned in the minds of those who decide these things at City Hall. Instead of tearing up Central, blocking the parking spaces and reducing access to businesses, it seems a much simpler and less expensive plan would be to remove the planters that were installed some years back for beautification purposes. These concrete barriers reduce the flow of water along the curbs, causing any flooding that does take place, and they also take up much needed parking spaces for the businesses on Central. City Hall needs someone in charge who has some common sense and who lives in town so they can see what goes on all the time, instead of arriving in town in the morning and leaving in the afternoon, and not really seeing what goes on all the rest of the time. Also, if they lived in town, they would be a part of having to pay for all the construction projects they approve, and maybe they would not be so eager to build million dollar sewer plants and install five foot drain lines costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Dick Mosbarger,

To the Editor:
Regarding the Fillmore City Council Approval of Reider Project
Silly Me! I thought Vision 2020 meant something. I remember street fairs around city hall that proclaimed proudly that the Vision 2020 thing was the way we were going to go. At Tuesday’s City Council meeting we heard that this document has really no standing, it is just a steering document, and the General Plan is really what counts. How did they get to be different? I bought into the thought that well planned growth to about 20,000, while retaining our small town atmosphere, was what we as a community wanted. I understand that SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) projects Fillmore to 18,000 by 2020.
What I found out was that a population of 25,000 is the “now” plan for growth and our City Council is going to approve any project that comes along that will bring that growth. It is obvious that their goal is not well-planned growth, but any growth. The bigger the better. The question for the citizens is: why is bigger so good for Fillmore?
The now approved Reider Project with its 3-story buildings, inadequate parking and alleys is not consistent with the small-town community that Vision 2020 envisioned. Mr. Reider needs to come up with a plan that fits Fillmore’s needs, not just the return on his investment.
Jean Westling,

To the Editor:
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all those who contributed to the success of Fillmore High School's tenth annual arts show "Inspired by the Arts". It takes a lot of people and a lot of hard work, dedication and talent to coordinate an event like this. Thank you to Fillmore Lions Club, Fillmore Soroptimists and the Fillmore High School ASB for your donations that helped to fund this event. Thank you to the Fillmore businesses that allowed us to display our ads in your windows and stores. Thank you to Renee Talley, Debby Curnett and Lucy Quezada-Romero for volunteering your time and resources. Thank you to the Administration at Fillmore High School for your ongoing commitment to this event and to the staff and teachers at FHS who supported the students efforts. Thank you to Chris Fernandez and the members of the Fillmore High School Band who played at the event. Thank you to Mary Ellen Wortham and the FHS photo department and Henry Beltran and the woodshop classes for your artwork. Thank you to Josh Overton and the members of the drama club who performed that evening. Thank you to the community who attended the show and once again helped to make this a special night for the student artists, photographers, actors and musicians. Thank you Gabe Asenas, Baldo Magana and Tony Vega for all of your help. Last, but not least, to the members of FHS Art club and my art classes, especially the Advanced Art students, who put in numerous hours creating the art, preparing the work for display, hanging the show, hosting the event and cleaning up after a long day and night- thank you- without you there couldn't be a show. I am very proud of all of you.
Rosalind Mitzenmacher Brocato
Fillmore High School Art Department

To the Editor:
Last week Martin Farrell, publisher of The Fillmore Gazette, addressed the Reider housing plan in North Fillmore stating, among other things, that he was “disgusted with the city council for approving it,” thought the project “stinks” and that the council ignores the wishes of Fillmore residents. A whole lot of us feel the same way, Mr. Farrell.
Over sixteen hundred registered Fillmore voters signed a petition to limit the growth in North Fillmore to a more reasonable number, but city staff, along with developers’ lawyers and with the council’s blessing, were able to sidestep the intent of the petition and continue on with their plans to pack as many dwellings and people in our town as possible. Just how many?
They throw around population numbers of 20,000 and 22,000 by the year 2020 and the General Plan has the figure at over 24,000, but these are just numbers that continue to change upward and are always couched to make us feel that it’s what the “people” said we want and need. That bit of fiction then translates into justifications supporting the densest and most profitable projects for the developers. It was not long ago that three story buildings were limited to Central Ave. The council has now rubber stamped them down Main St. and in North Fillmore. One council member is even promoting four story low cost dwellings on Sespe Ave.
I suppose we can choose to lie down and let them run over us, or work to take back the City and reverse this madness. If you are not ready to just lie down then please join with many others and let’s get to work! Give me a call at 524-2028.
Bob Stroh,