05/30/24 Legal Notices

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006074. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
555-A WEST VENTURA STREET, FILLMORE, CA 93015 VENTURA. CHRISTIAN MARC ATANGAN, 555-A WEST VENTURA STREET, FILLMORE, CA 93015. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: CHRISTIAN MARC ATANGAN. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/22/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006044. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
131 WEST EASY STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 VENTURA. VENTURA VIKINGS LLC, 131 WEST EASY STREET, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: VENTURA VIKINGS LLC, WILLIAM BRUININGA, MANAGER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/21/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006049. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
30315 CANWOOD ST #10, AGOURA HILLS, CA 91301 LOS ANGELES. OAK HEART CONSULTING, INC., 368 KITETAIL ST, SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: OAK HEART CONSULTING, INC., JANET MILLER PEREK, CEO. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/21/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006137. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
326 BRIDLEWOOD LANE, FILLMORE, CA 93015 VENTURA. VISION L M ENTERPRISES LLC, 326 BRIDLEWOOD LANE, FILLMORE, CA 93015. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: VISION L M ENTERPRISES LLC, LEONARDO L MARTINEZ, MANAGER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/23/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100004526. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
4331 DRAKE DR, OXNARD, CA 93033 VENTURA. M.A. INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION SERVICES LLC, 4331 DRAKE DR, OXNARD, CA 93033. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): 04/19/2024. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: M.A. INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION SERVICES LLC, RAUL ARMANDO ORNELAS JR., MEMBER. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 04/19/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006055. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
1637 S OXNARD BLVD, OXNARD, CA 93030 VENTURA. FIESTA L INC., 1637 S OXNARD BLVD, OXNARD, CA 93030. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): 02/01/2002. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: FIESTA L INC., FAWZI ABDULHAY, VP. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/21/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100004460. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
4430 CEDARGLEN CT, MOORPARK, CA 93021 VENTURA. JOSE M GUTIERREZ, 4430 CEDARGLEN CT, MOORPARK, CA 93021, ANDREW J GUTIERREZ, 4430 CEDARGLEN CT, MOORPARK, CA 93021. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: JOSE M GUTIERREZ. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 04/18/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100005836. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
3505 SUNSET L., OXNARD, CA 93035 VENTURA. JACOB P ANDERSON, 3505 SUNSET LN, OXNARD, CA 93035. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: JACOB P ANDERSON. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/16/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100005592. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
1573 FORDHAM AVE., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360 VENTURA. CYNTHIA MORROW, 1573 FORDHAM AVE., THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91360. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: CYNTHIA MORROW. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/13/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006199. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
3209 E THOUSAND OAKS BLVD UNIT P, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 VENTURA. TC AUTO LLC, 3209 E THOUSAND OAKS ``````````` BLVD UNIT P, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362. STATE OF INCORPORATION: CA. This Business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): 04/04/2022. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: TC AUTO LLC, MATTHEW MICHAEL TYREE, CEO. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/24/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006223. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
40 S LINDEN DR, VENTURA, CA 93004 VENTURA. SIERRA SHANNON CASTALDI, 40 S LINDEN DR, VENTURA, CA 93004. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): 04/01/2024. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: SIERRA SHANNON CASTALDI, SIERRA CASTALDI. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/28/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2024100006050. The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fictitious Business Name(s):
248 NORTH DOS CAMINOS AVENUE, VENTURA, CA 93003 VENTURA. LYLA G TAPANGCO, 248 NORTH DOS CAMINOS AVENUE, VENTURA, CA, 93003. STATE OF INCORPORATION: N/A. This Business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on (Date): 04/21/2024. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information, which he or she knows to be false, is guilty of a crime.) Type or Print Name: LYLA G TAPANGCO. If Registrant is a CORPORATION or LLC, sign below:. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Ventura County on 05/21/2024. Notice—in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 17920, a fictitious name statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in residence address or registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (see section 14411 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). This statement was filed with the County Clerk of VENTURA on the date indicated by the file stamp above. PUBLISHED IN THE FILLMORE GAZETTE MAY 30, JUNE 6, 13, 20, 2024

TSG No.: 220540243-CA-MSI TS No.: CA2200287798 APN: 697-0-035-025 Property Address: 2257 GLASTONBURY RD WESTLAKE VILLAGE (THOUSAND OAKS), CA 91361-3521 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 09/23/2021. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 07/11/2024 at 11:00 A.M., First American Title Insurance Company, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 09/28/2021, as Instrument No. 20210928-00178422-0, in book , page , , of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of VENTURA County, State of California. Executed by: MICHAEL STEPHEN SHANK, A SINGLE MAN, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the main entrance to the Government Center Hall of Justice, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003 All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 697-0-035-025 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2257 GLASTONBURY RD, WESTLAKE VILLAGE (THOUSAND OAKS), CA 91361-3521 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $ 1,538,022.01. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust has deposited all documents evidencing the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust and has declared all sums secured thereby immediately due and payable, and has caused a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be executed. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 1-866-539-4173 or visit this internet website https://www.hudsonandmarshall.com, using the file number assigned to this case CA2200287798 Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Website. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction if conducted after January 1, 2021, pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an “eligible tenant buyer,” you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an “eligible bidder,” you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call 1-866-539-4173, or visit this internet website https://www.hudsonandmarshall.com, using the file number assigned to this case CA2200287798 to find the date on which the trustee’s sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee’s sale. Third, you must submit a bid, by remitting the funds and affidavit described in Section 2924m(c) of the Civil Code, so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee’s sale. If you think you may qualify as an “eligible tenant buyer” or “eligible bidder,” you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Date: First American Title Insurance Company 4795 Regent Blvd, Mail Code 1011-F Irving, TX 75063 FOR TRUSTEES SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 1-866-539-4173NPP0460783 To: FILLMORE GAZETTE 05/30/2024, 06/06/2024, 06/13/2024

DATE: MAY 23, 2024

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned intends to sell the personal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on the said property pursuant to Sections 27100-21716 of
Business & Professions Code 2328, of the UCC, Section 535 of the Penal Code and provisions of the Civil Code.
The Undersigned will sell at public sale by competitive bidding on the 20th day of JUNE
2024, at or before 12:00 PM on the premises where the property has been stored and which are located at: LionsGate Self Storage, 777 E Channel Islands Blvd., Oxnard, CA. 93033, County of Ventura,
State of California, the following household goods, toys, furniture, clothes, and miscellaneous
Boxes, belonging to the following:
Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase in cash only. All purchased items sold are
as is, where is and must be removed at the time of the sale. The sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party.
Jim O’Brien, O’Brien’s Auction # 146637300099
To be published In the Fillmore Gazette, MAY 30, 2024 and June 6, 2024

In North America )
} ss
Land of California )
I, Megan Courtney Reed a living and original native american woman, Affiant (hereinafter Registered Owner), being duly sworn, declare and state that I am of full age and legally competent and have firsthand knowledge of the facts to be true and Certified Security and/or Bond No:
104-94-094844 whose name also appears on the face of the instrument as MEGAN COURTNEY REED (Trust/ Estate) by reference to the Oficial Certificate of Live Birth (Title), recorded and filed dated April 7, 1994 in the Office of the Clerk, County of Los Angeles, Land of California, as the same appears to be held for safekeeping by State Registrar of Titles. Said Certificate is a Valid Trust Instrument and further describes the same property that is an active Trust/ Estate conveyed unto Affant (Registered Owner) as set forth in the above-mentioned Certificate of Title and all financial assets, accounts, registered securities, entitlements, real and other personal property that are associated with said Trust/ Estate (whether now owned or hereafter acquired), described in the attached Form UCC 1 and Addendum under Notice of Claim. Affiant (Registered Owner) is the one legally entitled and duly authorized to act, appoint, assign, convey, and/or execute said Trust/Estate and no other parties are allowed without consent conveyed, and from Entitlement Holder/ Registered Owner. [AND IT IS SO ORDERED!]
In Witness Whereof; said Affiant (Owner) has hereunto set her hand and seal Done this day 30 of May 2024