School Board Highlights
HV Blazers Representative Protests Easy-Up Ban
Jared Perez (Heritage Valley Blazers Track Club Rep) addressed the Fillmore Unified School District Board on Tuesday night regarding their decision to ban Easy-ups from sporting events. Easy-ups are standard equipment at outdoor events, providing shade relief from the sun, and weather relief from the rain. A first-aid station is also designated under an Easy-up canopy with ice, water, and medical supplies for treating heat exhaustion and other sport-induced injuries. FHS’s first swim meet of the season was cancelled on February 27th; timing sheets must remain dry, and Easy-ups were not allowed. Swimmers can compete in the rain providing lighting is not present.
Jared Perez (Heritage Valley Blazers Track Club Rep) addressed the Fillmore Unified School District Board on Tuesday night regarding their decision to ban Easy-ups from sporting events. Easy-ups are standard equipment at outdoor events, providing shade relief from the sun, and weather relief from the rain. A first-aid station is also designated under an Easy-up canopy with ice, water, and medical supplies for treating heat exhaustion and other sport-induced injuries. FHS’s first swim meet of the season was cancelled on February 27th; timing sheets must remain dry, and Easy-ups were not allowed. Swimmers can compete in the rain providing lighting is not present.

Approve Amendment No. 2 to Employee Agreement with Dr. Adrian Palazuelos
The Governing Board approved Amendment No. 2 to Employee Agreement with Dr. Adrian Palazuelos.

Approve Second Interim Report through January 31, 2019, Including Amendments to the 2018-2019 Budget
The Governing Board received a presentation and approved the Second Interim Report through January 31, 2019. Presentation made by Assistant Superintendent, Andrea McNeill.

Award Bid for Site-Wide Roofing Restoration at Mountain Vista Elementary School
The Governing Board awarded the bid as follows:
Project#: 2019-022
Project Description: Site-Wide Roof Restoration
Contractor: Midstate Sheetmetal, Inc.
Amount: $799,450

Adopt Resolution No. 18-19-11 to Approve Elimination of Classified Positions
The Governing Board adopted Resolution No. 18-19-11

Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, and leaves.