School’s in Session, Drivers Beware

Now that the school year has begun, we would like to remind residents who drive around the city’s schools to be mindful of children walking or riding their bicycles to and from school. Drivers are reminded to be patient in or around school zones as traffic is typically backed up with parents who are attempting to drop off their children at school. It is recommended that if you do not have children attending a school, you find an alternate route during the school hours of 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM in order to avoid any traffic congestion in front of our city

Parents are also reminded to teach their children proper bicycle riding safety. Children under the age of 18 must wear helmets properly while riding a bicycle, scooter or skateboard. Studies show that 74-85% of bicycle related injuries could have been prevented with the proper use of a helmet and using proper bicycle safety. Proper use means buying a good helmet, making sure it fits, and making sure to buckle the chinstrap, while fitting it properly under the chin. We would like to remind children to look for an intersection that has a crossing guard or a marked crosswalk before crossing, as this is the safest way to cross the street.

A bicycle is considered a vehicle and while riding you must obey the rules of the road.