Iran and the Modern Day Nuclear Terrorist Threat
Part 2 - The Possible Scenario

The most serious threat to our national security and that of our allies is Iran.

The Iranians are rapidly enriching uranium, and planning to use the uranium to build nuclear weapons. Time is running out. Iran in possession of nuclear weapons poses a threat that will have worldwide ramifications.

Israel cannot allow Iran the ability to have a nuclear weapon. Israel is Iran’s first stated target of attack, and then the United States. The Israeli’s will have to launch a preemptive strike before Iran’s ayatollahs give the order to destroy Israel; an easily achievable objective due to the small geographical size of Israel. Iran in possession of nuclear weapons will force the Arab states into a nuclear arms race so they can have the bomb as well. A point recently highlighted by the statements made by Saudi Arabia’s leadership regarding their concern of a nuclear armed Iran made public by the WikiLeaks documents.

If Israel is forced to launch a preemptive strike on Iran, what will immediately follow is retaliation by Iran and Syria, as well as the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas, who are both proxy’s of Iran.

Not a single country in the region will remain unaffected. Iran will simultaneously launch attacks against oil fields, oil refineries, and shipping facilities throughout Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Arab Emirates in the Gulf. At the same time, Iranian missiles will be hitting cities and military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel will not only be hit by hundreds of Iranian missiles, but also tens of thousands of missiles, rockets, and mortars from Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza.

Suicide bombers will be released en masse throughout Europe and the Middle East. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians will die; Jews, Christians, and Muslims. More will be left wounded and homeless. The United States will also be affected; sleeper terrorist cells in the U.S. will be activated, hitting American and Canadian targets.

The economic repercussions will be felt around the world, oil prices will skyrocket to two or three hundred dollars a barrel. Such a dramatic rise in oil prices that will occur overnight and may last for years could sink an already fragile global economy. Soaring energy prices would trigger hyperinflation, sending the cost of many goods beyond the capabilities of the poor and lower middle class. Millions of people would be pushed into poverty. People would stop spending money on almost anything but food and basic needs for survival; this would trigger massive business failures. Tens of millions of people would soon be out of work. As the dominos fell, a global depression could ensue.

And this scenario only includes conventional warfare, if nuclear warfare ensued, the above estimations could be like none other in modern history.