Fillmore horse tests positive for West Nile Virus

A Fillmore horse has tested positive for the West Nile virus. It has been six years since a horse has tested positive in Ventura County. The non-vaccinated horser tested positive on August 20, 2015. Birds continue to test positive for the virus, the latest in Ojai.

West Nile is spread by mosquitos and can infect humans. No human infections have been reported in Ventura
County. YTD: 108 Counties: 22 There were 25 new WNV human cases reported in California last week from the following counties: Butte (2), Colusa (1), Glenn (5), Los Angeles (2), Orange (3), Riverside (5), San Bernardino (2), San Diego (1), Santa Clara (1), Solano (1), and Yolo (2). These are the first WNV human cases from Colusa, San Diego, and Solano counties this year.

Two WNV-related fatalities have been reported in to CDPH from San Bernardino (1) and Nevada (1). 108 human cases from 22 counties have tested positive for WNV in 2015.