Fillmore Fire Educates Rio Vista Students
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in an ongoing effort to fulfill its mission to develop high-performing students who are engaged and productive members of society, Fillmore Unified School District’s Rio Vista Elementary welcomed the Fillmore Fire Department to educate Transitional Kindergarten students about fire safety. Rio Vista Elementary Principal Beverly Garnica said, “Thank you Fillmore Fire Department for visiting our Transitional Kindergarten students. Our students had so much fun learning about how firefighters do their jobs, and about fire safety.” Photos courtesy Rio Vista Elementary blog.
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in an ongoing effort to fulfill its mission to develop high-performing students who are engaged and productive members of society, Fillmore Unified School District’s Rio Vista Elementary welcomed the Fillmore Fire Department to educate Transitional Kindergarten students about fire safety. Rio Vista Elementary Principal Beverly Garnica said, “Thank you Fillmore Fire Department for visiting our Transitional Kindergarten students. Our students had so much fun learning about how firefighters do their jobs, and about fire safety.” Photos courtesy Rio Vista Elementary blog.