City Council Candidates Q&A
Question #8

November 2nd you will be able to vote for TWO City Council candidates

Question #8: Members of the council don’t always agree. How will you deal with inter-council disagreements, criticism from the community and scrutiny from the media?

Alex Mollkoy: As your Councilman, I will stand my ground on the issues that are in the best interest of the Citizens. I will work hard to acknowledge and understand the differences of each council member. We must communicate with respect, in order to conduct civic business in the best interest of the public. I will ask that we all use common sense in our review of each and every item that comes before the City Council.
I welcome all criticism from the community, as this is the beginning of a healthy dialogue with all the citizens of Fillmore. We as individuals will have different points of view; I will listen to everyone and communicate in a timely and effective manner. I will work diligently to resolve our differences on the important issues before us. I have no hidden agendas or ties to City Hall. I will not give up or hide from any criticism. I will address it head on with honesty and integrity.
Scrutiny from the media is vital to Democracy. The media’s job is to disseminate the news without distorting the facts. The media is here to watch over us for the good of the people. When there is scrutiny from the media, there may possibly be something wrong. I will propose that any issues are addressed appropriately and without delay. I will further strive to facilitate civility between City Hall and the Media. Please write-in my name ALEX MOLLKOY on your Ballot. I will not disappoint you!

Patti Walker: The City has an adopted Rules of Decorum that dictate how council members treat one another as well as the public. Council members should not dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of another member. They should not utter words that are offensive. The Council is to provide an atmosphere where debate of the issues occurs rather than engaging in a discussion of another’s character or showing disrespect to the City.
It is the responsibility of the Council to thoroughly debate and deliberate the issues at hand. It is there, in the Council Chambers, that public discourse and give-and-take on the issues is to be held.
During this campaign those who participated in a debate were observed by those in attendance or who watched on TV. And those candidates who have answered the seven previous questions have been accessed by the community as well as the media. It is part of the territory for all elected officials.
In reality, I do not believe there is any candidate who has not had a disagreement with or who has not faced criticism from a co-worker, friend or family member. I believe each and every candidate is an adult and will handle those who disapprove of their thoughts or find fault with their votes with grace, polite behavior, and respect for their position.

David Lugo: There will always be disagreements that is why there is an odd number of council-persons but you must always remember you represent the community and keep it professional and respectful to one another. Criticism will never go away that is a way of people getting their point across, you must stand firm in your decision and give explanations to the community and media for your decision for them to understand your decision not just blow them off. I believe you earn respect and appreciation that way and avoid scrutiny from them. "Your Voice"

Brian Sipes: City Council members are elected to make good sound policy for the community at large. I welcome peaceful disagreements between Council members as I feel that in order to make good sound policy, all opinions and facts must be considered and debated. If entrusted to be a Council member, I will not be one that maligns other Council members to further their personal political agendas. Working together doesn't mean agreeing 100% of the time, but conducting City business on behalf of the citizens is first and foremost my priority and should be of those seated at the dais.
To be an effective, efficient, and independent City Council member, all criticism from constituents must be welcomed, not ignored. This is the people's City Hall...period. Criticism from the media isn't anything new. The media is there to report facts so the people can become educated on City issues at hand. I have no problem with newspaper or tabloid outlets scrutinizing my decisions. Everyone, including editorial boards are entitled to their own opinions, NOT their own facts.