Westerners flee as jihadis threaten new kidnappings and jihad murders

"It is becoming clear that al Qaeda is spreading in the Sahara."

"We achieved our central goal ... or have come very close to achieving our central goal, which is to de-capacitate al Qaeda, to dismantle them, to make sure that they can't attack us again." -- Barack Obama, January 11, 2013

"As Muslim terrorists threaten attacks in Benghazi, Westerners flee," from Asia News, January 25 (thanks to C. Cantoni):

Benghazi (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Australia have urged their citizens to leave the Libyan city of Benghazi due to a "specific, imminent threat to Westerners", linked to French action in Mali and the danger of new kidnappings by Muslim extremists.

According to British... http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/01/myjihad-in-libya-westerners-flee-as-ji...