U.S. complains that Afghanistan releasing dangerous prisoners

Written by Robert Spencer

The Karzai government is not an ally of the United States. It is not only foolish to pretend otherwise; it costs American lives and billions of dollars that could have been better spent. Yet no one in Washington is ever held accountable for this fantasy-based policymaking, no matter how disastrous the results. Instead, the same “experts” who are responsible for it keep getting promoted, and keep causing new catastrophes in new situations.

“U.S. complains that Afghanistan releasing dangerous prisoners,” by Shashank Bengali and Hashmat Baktash for the Los Angeles Times, February 11 (thanks to Kenneth):

KABUL, Afghanistan – The U.S. military on Tuesday slammed Afghanistan for continuing to order the release of prisoners who the United States believes are dangerous, but who Afghan officials say cannot be prosecuted because authorities lack evidence.

The dispute over... http://www.jihadwatch.org/2014/02/u-s-complains-that-afghanistan-releasi...