Twenty Years of Putting Nonsense First

Written By cdmichel

When your stock and trade is irrational logic, you publish the same stuff.

An example of such irrationality was recently whelped by a politicized organization now called the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence (LCPGV). They were originally called the Legal Community Against Violence, though both names are misleading given that their stated goal is enacting lots of gun control laws, not anti-violence laws. In a knee jerk reaction to a crazy person murdering people in a law firm one tragic day in San Francisco, this band of local liberal litigators took it upon themselves to develop novel theories, imposing liability on gun manufacturers for the criminal misuse of their products and inventing/promoting legislation designed to reduce the availability of guns. In the 20 years since then, they have effectively become the law firm for the gun ban lobby.

Throughout their history...