#MyJihad in Kygyzstan: Muslim parents beat, torture, confine girl and burn her face for converting to Christianity

By Robert Spencer

After Western Islamic apologists who assure us that Islam has no penalty for apostasy have finished their work in Khartoum, they can make their way to Bishkek.

"Kygyzstan Girl 'Burned' For Faith In Christ," from BosNewsLife, December 18 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

BISHKEK/BUDAPEST (BosNewsLife)-- A young Kyrgyz girl is forced to work in a sewing workshop after being tortured by her parents in Kyrgyzstan because she converted to Christianity, well-informed investigators said Tuesday, December 18.
The troubles began when the girl "accepted Jesus [Christ]" as her Lord and Savior "during a church meeting" despite opposition towards Christians in this heavily Islamic nation, explained aid and advocacy group Open Doors.

"When her parents found out about her decision, they were very upset and took her home to their village" where she was soon mistreated, the group told BosNewsLife in a statement.

"They wanted her...