How Likely Are You to Die From Gun Violence? This Interesting Chart Puts It in Perspective

By Jason Howerton

It’s clear that the gun control debate is here to stay for the time being. That being the case, it’s important that we really examine all the facts surrounding gun violence.

So just how likely are you to be killed by a gun in the United States? The Economist has put together an interesting graphic that demonstrates your chances of getting killed by an array of things, including guns, heart disease, fire and more.

According to the Economist’s chart, your chances of dying as a result of “assault by firearm” is about 1 in 25,000. Americans also have a 1 in 514,147 chance of being killed by “firearms discharge. While still considered one of the leading causes of death in the U.S., the data certainly is at odds with the mainstream media narrative that all guns are simply mass killing machines.

The data from...