Guns still safer than cars, and most everything else

Written By CD Michel

It is indeed too bad that cars and guns are not treated the same way. If they were, accidental automobile deaths might become nearly non-existent.

In a recent editorial (“Guns, cars and dead Americans”, 10/24/2013) The Post-Gazette bemoaned many things, and opined with a level of inaccuracy not tolerated at shooting ranges. The editorial’s gist was that government regulation and legislation made roadways, air, water and consumer products safer, so similar regiments should be applied to guns and for the same effect.

But guns accidentally killed just 606 people in the U.S. in the most recent reporting year. That’s about 1/55th the number of people killed in traffic accidents.

Despite gun ownership steadily increasing over the past three decades, and with more than eleven million people obtaining permits to carry guns in public, accidental firearm mayhem has fallen to a rate so low as to approach statistically irrelevant noise levels. It has always been so, but interestingly the already low accidental firearm death rate is falling faster than that for cars, dropping 33% in the last decade compared to only 25% for autos.

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