Gun owners under assault
White House and New York politicians declare war on the Second Amendment

By Emily Miller

Anti-gun politicians are wasting no time while the Newtown, Conn., school shootings are still fresh in Americans’ minds. The White House task force on gun violence will issue recommendations on Tuesday, and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said President Obama might bypass Congress and implement unpopular gun-control measure through executive orders.

In advance of this extraordinary move, Mr. Biden met Thursday with representatives from gun owners’ groups, including the National Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation. NRA President David Keene told The Washington Times, “We were very disappointed, though not surprised, that the meeting was just what we suspected it would be: a perfunctory meeting with groups like the NRA, designed simply so the vice president could say, ‘I met with them.’”

The White House press pool was denied any access to the meeting. Earlier in the day, the media was allowed in the room to hear the veep address hunting and shooting groups, where he called for “totally universal background checks, including private sales,” a ban on “high-capacity” magazines, and funding for research into “what kind of weapons are used most to kill people.” There’s no need to waste taxpayer money on such a study as the FBI already tracks this information. In 2011, there were 12,664 people slain in the United States. The top weapons of choice were: handguns (6,620), knives (1,694) and fists or feet (728). Although the White House wants to ban rifles with certain “military-style” features, rifles of every type were used in just 323 homicides.

The assault is also...