Egypt’s draft constitution gives Sharia role to Islamic center Obama praised in 2009

Written By Robert Spencer

Obama's praise for al-Azhar is yet another manifestation of his consistent tendency to praise all things Islamic while turning a blind eye to the human rights abuses codified in Islamic law. He has made glancing mention of the persecution of the Copts in Egypt on occasion, but never challenged al-Azhar or the Morsi government to do anything effective to stop it, or made U.S. aid contingent upon such actions.

Al-Azhar's having a role in the government of Egypt and its administration of Sharia spells the end of any remaining freedom in Egyptian society.

"Egypt’s draft constitution gives Shariah-law role to Islamic center Obama praised in 2009," by Neil Munro in the Daily Caller, December 2:

Egypt’s new draft constitution gives a critical government role to the fundamentalist al-Azhar University, an Islamic center that was lavishly praised by President Barack Obama in his June 2009 “New Beginning” speech in Cairo.
Al-Azhar’s Islamic leadership will get to decide whether Egypt’s laws comply with Islam’s far-reaching “Shariah” laws about conduct, speech, lifestyle and religion, according to the draft constitution, which was hurriedly completed last week by a panel dominated by Islamists.

Back in 2009, Obama declared that Americans owe a debt to al-Azhar.

“It was Islam...