Afghanistan: Taliban poised to retake power, Karzai says "the entire Nato exercise was one that caused Afghanistan a lot of suff

A massive waste of American resources, accomplishing nothing but the weakening of America. "Afghanistan awaits its fate at the hands of the Taliban," by Sandy Gall in the Telegraph, October 8 (thanks to Inexion):

In an interview with the BBC, six months before leaving office, President Hamid Karzai has put the boot into the British – and the West – in terms as extreme as any he has used before. “On the security front,” he claimed, “the entire Nato exercise was one that caused Afghanistan a lot of suffering, a lot of loss of life, and no gains because the country is not secure.”He even made the far-fetched claim that Nato is colluding with the Taliban....
In Kabul the other day, I was told a story about the members of the extensive Karzai family. One brother had complained to my friend about the obscene amount of money another member of the family was making – something like a million dollars a week – even though, he boasted, he already had $950,000 in the bank. This in one of the poorest countries in the world, with millions of its inhabitants living below the poverty line.

One would have thought...