Sometimes, when we are faced with an obvious injustice, we come to conclusions driven more by emotion than reality.

As someone with a public platform to express my opinion, as I did in last week’s editorial, it is my responsibility to get it right. Last week, I got it wrong.

The majority of my editorial dealt with the alleged bullying of Fillmore Fire Chief Rigo Landeros by two city council members. That would have been a good place to stop.

However, I went on to draw an erroneous conclusion that the other three council members knew of the bullying and did nothing to stop it.

A day late, I sat down with two of the three council members, a grief counselor, and two witnesses. I was able to ask the questions I should have asked in the first place, and settle the dust I had stirred up.

If a complete retraction of a single accusation was ever in order, it is now. My apologies to our majority council for misguidedly causing more pain in an already painful situation.