Frankly, I’m so disgusted and angered at the sight of our Sad Sack Commander in Chief’s surrender to Putin and Assad that it’s going to take me a week to cool down.

The world can now see that all of Obama’s repeated red line threats and tough talk was sheer bluster, empty words. His pathetic inability to follow-up on military punishment in Syria shows the emperor has no clothes, and, for all her power, Obama has shown America is impotent in a show-down. Our enemy Russia has snookered the U.S. into a ridiculous plan to remove thousands of tons of nerve gas from Syria to someplace else; an impossible task given that security can never be satisfactorily provided. These weapons have been dispersed all over the country and will certainly fall into the hands of psychopathic Jihadists.

Most important here is the fact that Obama has sold the farm for a handful of beans. He has sold-out America’s reputation as a serious shield for the free world against the sworn enemies of peace, justice, and freedom. Now North Korea, Iran, China, Russia and of course Syria know they have little to fear in carrying-out their criminal activities. Now every throat-cutting Muslim Jihadist is energized to build that Caliphate. Look what’s happening across the Middle East today – particularly in Egypt.

“The Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have began forcing the roughly 15,000 Christian Copts of Dalga village in Egypt to pay a jizya tax as indicated in Koran 9:29, author and translator Raymond Ibrahim reported on Sunday. In some cases, families not able to pay have been attacked. As many as 40 Christian families have now fled Dalga, Mr. Ibrahim reported. Just over the weekend Syrian rebels went into a Christian man’s “shop and gave him three options: become Muslim; pay $70,000 as a tax levied on non-Muslims, known as jizya; or be killed along with his family,” Christian Science Monitor reported.”

Obama has undercut our military to an extreme degree, just as the Muslim Jihad terrorist movement is spreading across the world. Welcome to the wacky world of the Leftist-liberal Democratic mindset.

And, oh – did you hear that Putin is sailing some “carrier-killing” war ships into Syria? Run, Barry, run!