A Happy Thanksgiving to all Gazette readers. It's that special day of the year when we thank God for the incredible blessings we enjoy for being Americans. I hope you all are able to enjoy family and friends and a rich Thanksgiving meal.


I agree with the authors of letters to the editor who are calling for Mayor Washburn to leave open the council seat recently vacated by Patti Walker. It's obvious that Walker deliberately delayed providing notice of her intent to resign from the council months ago so that her replacement could not be placed on the last election ballot. This way the council majority is able to appoint its own replacement instead of giving Fillmore residents a chance to elect the replacement.

I ask the three council majority members, Jamey Brooks, Gayle Washburn, and Brian Sipes, to leave open the vacant seat, as the law provides, until the next election, June 5th. Otherwise, you would be making a 3-year appointment about which the electorate would have nothing to say. What reason could the majority have for not doing this? They would still have a majority, and this would avoid the appearance of serious, unethical conduct -which many now anticipate. Give the city a chance to vote-in a new council member. So, slow down Ms. Washburn. There is no reason to hurry. I know you are anxious to appoint a friend or political crony to replace Patti, but this is a great opportunity to show everyone how you keep your campaign promises for open and ethical government. Now's your time to shine, to rise above the customary Katzenjammer venality! We're all watching with bated breath.