Frankly, I don’t feel much like writing anything today. And it seems harder to find positive themes these days. But, we never seem to run out of bad news; that’s always a dependable source.

With the tenth anniversary of the Shariah 9-11 attack on the twin towers approaching I’m sure government agencies are taking extra precautions. By this time prudent Americans should all have taken special measures in anticipation of national emergencies. Those who haven’t should begin soon because the variety of probable disasters (by official assessment)has never been greater. Without exception, government agencies responsible for the health, safety, and defense of our country have been alerting us to these dangers for more than a decade, telling us to be prepared for major disasters.

I was contacted by a high-level official in charge of an emergency management agency a while ago. I was told that a main concern had to do with a nuclear attack on the City of Los Angeles. This didn’t surprise me because LA is among the top 10 cities targeted by our Jihadist friends. Nuclear weapons and materials have been distributed throughout the world for a long time, thanks to Russia, North Korea, and evil men like Dr. A.Q. Kahn, the Pakistani thief (and national hero). Such an attack anywhere in the US will effect all of us in a major way. It will directly and immediately effect all financial merkets, food distribution, and public safety and order. It will being out the very best in us, and the very worst.

There are other terrorist threats, including chemical, biological attacks, etc., each of which can result in famine, disease, social disorder, and war. Be prepared by at least storing the recommended basic supplies of water (one glallon per per person per day)and food (minimum of 72 hours-worth)and necessary medications. We all know how quickly stores will be depleted of these supplies when disaster causes panic. You don’t have do everything at once, but make preparations regularly, little by little. Your life and the lives and welfare of your family members (according to our own government experts) are at risk.

Look for the emergency preparations page, soon.