YFU Seeks families to Host Exchange Students

Youth For Understanding (YFU) is a worldwide movement of committed individuals and organizations working together to prepare young people for their responsibilities and challenges in a changing, interdependent global community.

Each year YFU places a large number of international exchange students with local families while they attend the local high school and extra-curricular activities. More than 2,000 YFU students come to the US from about 50 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America and the Pacific.

Contact YFU today if you think hosting will be an enriching experience for your entire family that will last a lifetime. By opening your home and heart to a student from overseas, your family will gain a new global perspective, many memories, and - quite possibly - a new family member!

To become a host family this upcoming school year or find out more about YFU please call 1-866-4-YFUUSA (866-493-8872) or visit us at www.yfu-usa.org