Vacation Bible School is Back at Bardsdale UMC

For a couple of years, the Vacation Bible School program at Bardsdale UMC and other local churches in our communities has been a tradition for the summer; in fact, for many years local families looked forward to seeing this program in full blast by this time of the year.

Unfortunately, the pandemic which began in 2020, put a halt on this program and other amazing events that were happening in our communities every year.

This year fortunately, many of us are resuming the tradition and opening our churches once again to K-6th graders in our communities.

Even though it is a faith-based program that touches on Bible stories and Bible verses, it is not an effort to convert, nor to recruit families for our own churches.

VBS is a wonderful program that brings children together from different denominations and communities of faith, through which participants learn important values such as ‘teamwork’, ‘sharing’; ‘friendship’, and ‘respect’, among other important concepts related to faith.

Themes are different every year, and during VBS participants rotate in groups through music, dance, drama, science, storytelling, and outdoor games, enjoying a whole week of fellowship and learning in a safe and structured environment.

My hope and my prayer this year is that you will encourage your children to participate in every single VBS provided by the different churches in our communities; and that you will volunteer to help.
Bring your children to VBS!

Together we can touch the lives of many children and impact their families towards a better life and wellbeing.
Pastora Lupita
Senior Pastor at BUMC

Bardsdale UMC will be holding VBS week from June 26th - June 30th
at 1498 Bardsdale Ave., Fillmore CA 93015
9:00 am – 12:00 noon with a healthy meal included.
Youth are encouraged to come and volunteer as guides and assistants.
REGISTRATION is currently open. For more information call 805-524-2070