Thermometer Testing 2008

Testing of grower's thermometers will again be conducted at the Agricultural Commissioner's Office at 815 East Santa Barbara Street in Santa Paula.

Growers should take thermometers to their packinghouse by Monday Nov. 3rd. The packinghouses should then deliver the thermometers to the Agricultural Commissioner’s Office no later than 8:00 a.m. Tuesday Nov. 4th. The thermometers will be ready for pick up by noon.

Please follow these instructions; if you do not, you may lose your thermometer!

1) Remove thermometers from individual boxes or wrappings.

2) Attach a NEW TAG securely to the top of EACH THERMOMETER. Each tag should have your name and packinghouse on the back in indelible ink; ballpoint pen only. Felt tips and roller writers do not work.


New Tags are available at the Agricultural Commissioner’s office.

3) Move thermometers in strong containers, as they will become wet in the ice bath during testing. Cardboard is not appropriate.

4) Thermometers would always be moved in the vertical position with the bulb end down to avoid damage.

For questions, please contact the Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office at 805-933-2926.