Thank You Fillmore

Dear Fillmore,
Thank you for being a very nice, accepting community for our three AFS foreign exchange students this year. Shervina (Philippines), Sunanda (Switzerland), and Samantha (Hong Kong) became Fillmore Seniors last August and finished out their school year at the Fillmore High graduation ceremony. That was a very special event. They said that all of the senior activities were much fun and especially enjoyed Grad Nite Live. These students have had a year of new friends, new cultural experiences, new foods, and many memories. Along with Franzi (Germany), they had fun waving in the Christmas Parade!! Thank you to our community for helping make this year special for these international students. Teachers, community members, fellow-classmates – you’ve each shown these international students what Fillmore, California, and the United States is all about.
This month is hard for our exchange students as they are very sad to leave and at the same time excited to get back to their home country and reunite with their natural family and friends and tell about their experiences. Hopefully, their friends here in Fillmore will keep in touch.
This is also the time to look ahead to our next school year. Fillmore needs students next year for on-going cultural enrichment. If you would like to have an international experience in your own home, please think about how much fun you’d have being a host family. AFS has students from countries around the globe who are waiting to be matched with a host family. Fillmore is a welcoming community. Visit our website to get a look at some students who would like to live in Ventura County next year – maybe with your family!
Thank you for your support. Please contact: Sandy email: or go to for information.
Sandy Butts