Summer Educational Programs
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The Dr. Neil Schmidt Fillmore Family Resource Center (located on the right next to Boys and Girls Club) volunteers are busy helping youth complete their applications for various summer leadership, college and camp programs. Kids, whatever you do, don't say 'there's nothing to do!" this summer:
R.M. Pyle's Boys (Summer) Camp has been in existence since 1949 by Mr. Pyle's, a miner, who wanted boys to enjoy their childhood in fun, healthy ways. A camp physical is required for these outdoor hiking activities.
Ventura College Summer Youth Entrepreneur Academy, 3-day training (for ages 15 up to 25 year olds). First time in Fillmore. Wow!! What a way to delve into one's strengths and interests and learn about making extra money! VC Summer Bridge Program, High School Age (only a few spaces left). Teens will be touring different college and universities, receiving information on scholarships and financial aid. All lunch meals and transportation costs are covered.
Grizzly Youth Academy is still availabe for youth, ages 16 to 18 1/2, to improve their writing and math skills and GPA, get away from negative influences and get back on track academically focused and prepared on whatever profession they decide to choose. <1--break-->
United Parents Parent Support Group Meeting on Saturday, June 11th, 10-11 am. ALL PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS & GUARDIANS WELCOME! Ever feel like you’re riding a wave every day? “There is nothing worse than living with a child or teen spinning out of control, and no worse feeling than the hopelessness parents experience in the process.” It is difficult to know what to do and how to react when your teen daily reaches new lows in disobedience, dishonesty, and disrespect, and chooses every wrong thing. Parents are given ideas on how to respond, not react to situations and given tools that work. Many free resources and program information will be made available to you. We are not here to judge, we are here to help and empower you with information in both this difficult and joyous journey called Parenthood. The meeting will be held at the One Step Center, “Chocolate Church”, Episcopal Church Hall (corner of Saratoga St. and Second St.) Questions? Please call Norma Pérez-Sandford 208-0712 or 524-4999 or leave a message for María Wells, United Parents, 384-1555 for more information.