The search continues...
Performers provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders are ready to entertain you.
Performers provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders are ready to entertain you.
Heading out into the dark, dank river bottom. (notice Councilmember Gayle Washburn behind the guy taking a picture of ME!)
Heading out into the dark, dank river bottom. (notice Councilmember Gayle Washburn behind the guy taking a picture of ME!)
Rider warns people to be ready...for the Headless Horseman.
Rider warns people to be ready...for the Headless Horseman.
On guard on the wagon.
On guard on the wagon.
Guarding 'the Head'.
Guarding 'the Head'.
Any minute now.... and the suspense builds.
Any minute now.... and the suspense builds.
Alas... the Headless Horseman charges.
Alas... the Headless Horseman charges.
Unsuccessful and dejected... the Headless Horseman stands at the ready for the next 
attempt... to retrieve his Head.
Unsuccessful and dejected... the Headless Horseman stands at the ready for the next attempt... to retrieve his Head.

Story and photos by Bob Crum

For decades, the Headless Horseman has haunted areas around Sleepy Hollow. Lately, the ghostly phenomenon has continued his undying search around Ichabog, the Pumpkin Patch at Santa Paula.

Mystery, intrigue and adventure abound from within and around the mystical cornfields of Ichabog. Peer into the darkness and witness... if you dare... the Headless Horseman on his mighty steed riding swiftly by in his quest to retrieve his head from the clutches of Glitter Montana and the band of Marshals. He has only from dark until midnight to get his head back. If he succeeds, he will gain unimaginable powers of evil. It is up to the forces of 'good' to guard and prevent the head from being clutched away by the dastardly force of evil lurking in black garb.

All performers are provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders. And the action and fun begins the minute the Fillmore & Western Railroad train leaves the Fillmore Central Station. Arriving at Ichabog, you'll board a tractor-pulled hayride wagon and taken to the depths of the very dark, dank and spooky river bottom
where the chill of death fills the night air. Goose bumps are common experiences as horseback riders harken the imminent arrival of the villian. Guarding “The Head” are armed Marshals at the ready. If you're lucky... you'll survive the mayhem to return to the Pumpkin Patch where you'll re-board the train to return to Fillmore. On the way back... more sinister, mischievous activity on the train. Can't say more... sworn to secrecy. Go see for yourself. If you dare.