Saving a Life is the “Fairest” Thing To Do
UBS Thanking Blood Donors With Unlimited Ride Wristbands

The “fairest” thing you can do is to save a life. That’s why United Blood Services has partnered with the Ventura County Fair to encourage blood donations before this year’s fair. For donors who make an appointment and donate at one of United Blood Serivces’ three Ventura County centers, between Monday, July 28 and Friday, August 1, each will receive an unlimited ride wristband to use in the carnival at the Ventura County Fair. Quantities are limited, and wristbands will be given only to thank donors who make an appointment prior to donating, by calling 800-715-3699.
The Carnival Unlimited Ride wristbands may be used between 11:00 am and 7:00 pm on Thursday, July 31; Monday, August 4; Tuesday, August 5; and Thursday, August 7. Wristband does not include fair admission.
UBSCC Centers in Ventura County: Ventura, 1756 Eastman Ave. 1-800-715-3699. Mon. & Tue.: 10- 6; Wed. & Thurs.: 10- 7 ; Fri: 8 - 2, Corner of Market: Camarillo, 2105 Pickwick Dr. 1-800-715-3699. Mon & Wed: 1- 7, across from the post office: Thousand Oaks, 1321 Thousand Oaks Blvd. 1-800-715-3699. Tue. & Thurs.: 1- 7, in the North Star Plaza near Roxy’s Deli.