Santa Clara Riverbed Hike Saturday, March 3rd

Courtesy Maria Christopher.

March 3, Santa Clara Riverbed Hike - A St. Francis Am Disaster Commemoration Month Event.

Please join us on March 3, at 10:00 AM for a Santa Clara River bed hike on The Nature Conservancy Hanson property near Santa Paula. It will be led by TNC hike leader, Amy Davis. She will talk with the participants about the St Francis Dam disaster's impact on the river channel, scouring, and sediment load, as well as TNC’s restoration efforts at the Hanson site and their impact on the Santa Clara and future flooding.

The address to meet at is 1368 Mission Rock Road. At the end of Mission Rock road there is a yellow farm gate with a TNC sign, people can park next to that gate and Amy will meet hikers there and guide them into the property. The hike will start from there at 10am.

Please let your hiking and history friends know. After the hike, take time for lunch at one of Santa Paula's unique restaurants and visit their museum. The Oil Museum will have a dam related exhibit opening that day.

A complete list of The March 2018 St. Francis Dam Disaster Commemoration Month Activities can be found at

The Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau thanks The Nature Conservancy for their willingness to host this event and for all they are doing to preserve the Santa Clara River Valley.