Old Telegraph Road & Grand Avenue to Remain Closed
ROAD CLOSURE ALERT: Road Name: Old Telegraph Road = Closure: Grand Ave to West of Good Enough Road/C Street - Start Date: 02/05/2024 09:30 AM # Expected End Date: 02/12/2024 09:30 AM - EMERGENCY CLOSURE - Due to a severe washout under abutments on the west end of Bridge No. 487, Old Telegraph Road is CLOSED. Emergency O&M response is underway, with a detailed assessment by the DAT Team scheduled after the rain event. For the latest updates, visit https://www.vcpublicworks.org/roadclosures/. For inquiries, contact County of Ventura Public Works at 805-654-2018. Please stay tuned for further information and drive safely! Info courtesy https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=767356435424931&set=a.225313742962539.
ROAD CLOSURE ALERT: Road Name: Old Telegraph Road = Closure: Grand Ave to West of Good Enough Road/C Street - Start Date: 02/05/2024 09:30 AM # Expected End Date: 02/12/2024 09:30 AM - EMERGENCY CLOSURE - Due to a severe washout under abutments on the west end of Bridge No. 487, Old Telegraph Road is CLOSED. Emergency O&M response is underway, with a detailed assessment by the DAT Team scheduled after the rain event. For the latest updates, visit https://www.vcpublicworks.org/roadclosures/. For inquiries, contact County of Ventura Public Works at 805-654-2018. Please stay tuned for further information and drive safely! Info courtesy https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=767356435424931&set=a.225313742962539.