Learning About the Past
The Tiger Cubs of Pack 3400 recently visited the Piru Library. Pictured is librarian Cindy Escoto and “the Pack”.
The Tiger Cubs of Pack 3400 recently visited the Piru Library. Pictured is librarian Cindy Escoto and “the Pack”.

The Tiger Cubs of Pack 3400 recently visited the Piru Library. This visit helped them complete an achievement about Learning About the Past, which they need in order to earn their Tiger Cub patch. The librarian, Mrs. Cindy Escoto familiarized the boys with the library, and then read a number of stories with the boys. The stories focused on life in the past. Of special interest was a true story in which the characters traveled to California, ending up at Rancho Camulos. It was an evening that the boys are sure to remember for a long time.
Cub Scouting is a family-oriented program designed to teach character, citizenship, and leadership skills through fun and educational activities. If your 1st through 5th grade son is interested in joining Cub Scouts, please contact Pack Leader Sean Morris: (805) 524-1014 or seanm@wildblue.net.