Gingerbread Houses at Fillmore Tree Lighting Ceremony
On Friday, December 1, Fillmore hosted the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony for the City of Fillmore, a tradition to kick-off the Christmas season. The night was filled with Christmas music and cheers, food and shop venders, and fun activities for the kids; one being making gingerbread houses. Picture right are the final creations of the kids who participated. Below are two girls smiling for a photo with their completed gingerbread house. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Friday, December 1, Fillmore hosted the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony for the City of Fillmore, a tradition to kick-off the Christmas season. The night was filled with Christmas music and cheers, food and shop venders, and fun activities for the kids; one being making gingerbread houses. Picture right are the final creations of the kids who participated. Below are two girls smiling for a photo with their completed gingerbread house. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.