Gazette website glitch update
Go to the Front Page and press your web browser's "Refresh" button!

Many readers here on The Fillmore Gazette’s website may be experiencing a situation where the most recent stories and photos do not appear on the Front Page. If you do not see any recent stories dated within the past week or so on the Front Page, please click on your browser’s “Refresh” button. If you are using “Internet Explorer” the button typically looks like two small green arrows, one arrow pointing up and the other arrow pointing down. If you are using “Firefox” the button typically looks like a blue circular arrow. In both browsers, the button is located near the top and will say "Refresh" or "Reload current page" when you hover over the button.

If you would like to know more about the details about why this happened, I interviewed myself for this story, and here is what I had to say. Question: “Scott, what caused this problem to occur?” Answer: “The website has become very popular over the past 6 months and the current traffic volume is frequently overloading the web server. To optimize the website I am in implementing a page caching system. The system has a bug that causes the Front (or home) Page of the website to not update automatically. All other sections of the website appear to be updating normally and working OK.” Question: “Scott, are you willing to personally help any of the 25,000 people that regularly visit the website if they need any help solving the problem?” Answer: “Yes. If you are not seeing the most recent photos and stories on the Front Page after pressing the Refresh button and need any help with the above instructions, please email me at and I will help you fix the problem. Thank You.”