FWSC Spaghetti Dinner a Success
Fillmore Women’s Service Club had a very successful Spaghetti Dinner Saturday Nite. Good food and fun was had by all. The live auction was just the high light of the evening with Bill Changus as our auctioneer this year. As always we want to thank all our supporters, you are what keeps our club going and enables us to give our scholarships and support our community. Our next big project is the 4th of July Booth - so look for us when you shop. Thank you Everyone. Fillmore Women’s Service Club (FWSC) New members or visitors welcome - we meet the 2nd Weds of the month at the Senior Center at 7pm.
Fillmore Women’s Service Club had a very successful Spaghetti Dinner Saturday Nite. Good food and fun was had by all. The live auction was just the high light of the evening with Bill Changus as our auctioneer this year. As always we want to thank all our supporters, you are what keeps our club going and enables us to give our scholarships and support our community. Our next big project is the 4th of July Booth - so look for us when you shop. Thank you Everyone. Fillmore Women’s Service Club (FWSC) New members or visitors welcome - we meet the 2nd Weds of the month at the Senior Center at 7pm.