Fillmore youth respond to Michelle Obama’s call out

The Fillmore’s Youth Act Club responded to Michelle Obama’s call for assistance to the food banks of our nation. The YouthAct Club in Fillmore donated $400 to FOOD Share. Local residents could participate in the local FOOD Share program Brown Bag It for Change by packing a lunch for just one day or more and donating the money you would have spent eating out to FOOD Share.

Bonnie Weigel, chief executive officer of the county food bank, said that each $10 donation can be turned into $180 worth of food to help hungry neighbors. FOOD Share’s Snack Attack program provides healthy nutritious after school snacks to approximately 1,800 children through 12 agencies countywide and provides food to nearly 40,000 people each month.

Sponsored by the Sunrise Rotary in Fillmore, the YouthAct Club of the Fillmore Middle School provides children the opportunities to learn about Rotary values and service to others. The leadership for the children’s participation in the Brown Bag It for Change, was provided by Mrs. Liz Helm, teacher for 7th & 8th graders. In addition, YouthAct Clubs are an important strategy to develop a Rotary relationship with young children.
For more information about the Sunrise Rotary and the YouthAct Club, please contact Irma Magana at 794-2353.