Fillmore Rotary Presents Josh the Otter Water Safety Project
The Rotary Club of Fillmore concluded its Josh the Otter Water Safety Project last week. Members visited the transitional kindergartens and preschools in the District along with Josh. The purpose of the project is to teach the children to NEVER go near water without an adult and to learn to float so they will be safe. Each child received a story book, a coloring book, as well as crayons, a mask of Josh and a special sticker. Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.
The Rotary Club of Fillmore concluded its Josh the Otter Water Safety Project last week. Members visited the transitional kindergartens and preschools in the District along with Josh. The purpose of the project is to teach the children to NEVER go near water without an adult and to learn to float so they will be safe. Each child received a story book, a coloring book, as well as crayons, a mask of Josh and a special sticker. Photo credit Rotarian Martha Richardson.