Fillmore Rotary Club Donates $800 Check to Cub Scout Club
Fillmore Rotary Club donated $800 to the Cub Scout Club. President Ari Larson presented the check to Stephen McKeown of the Cub Scout Pack. He reminded the Club that Cub Scouts brings out confidence and leadership and prepares the kids for Boy Scouts. Finances are a problem as some sponsors have dropped out and many scouts cannot afford the fees of $150-160 per year. Stephen is continually looking for more funding and ways to keep the costs down. There are changes in scouting now as girls may join also. They are starting as kindergartners and most are siblings of Cubs. Courtesy Martha Richardson.
Fillmore Rotary Club donated $800 to the Cub Scout Club. President Ari Larson presented the check to Stephen McKeown of the Cub Scout Pack. He reminded the Club that Cub Scouts brings out confidence and leadership and prepares the kids for Boy Scouts. Finances are a problem as some sponsors have dropped out and many scouts cannot afford the fees of $150-160 per year. Stephen is continually looking for more funding and ways to keep the costs down. There are changes in scouting now as girls may join also. They are starting as kindergartners and most are siblings of Cubs. Courtesy Martha Richardson.