Fillmore Rotary
Several months ago the Rotary Club challenged the Explorers of Post #2958 if they could raise $10,000, toward their new van, then the Club would match it. They reached their goal and the Club awarded them with $10,000. Kyle Wilson, Deputy Leo Vazquez, Explorers Danielle Ramirez, Matthew Hammond and Isaiah Galvez. The Rotary Club Fireworks Booth will be at the corner of Hwy 126 and E Street. It is the first booth as you enter Fillmore from West to East; on the right side.
Several months ago the Rotary Club challenged the Explorers of Post #2958 if they could raise $10,000, toward their new van, then the Club would match it. They reached their goal and the Club awarded them with $10,000. Kyle Wilson, Deputy Leo Vazquez, Explorers Danielle Ramirez, Matthew Hammond and Isaiah Galvez. The Rotary Club Fireworks Booth will be at the corner of Hwy 126 and E Street. It is the first booth as you enter Fillmore from West to East; on the right side.
Kyle Wilson, President and Rotarian Jerry Peterson. Jerry presented a program on his experiences while volunteering in Yosemite this past May.
Kyle Wilson, President and Rotarian Jerry Peterson. Jerry presented a program on his experiences while volunteering in Yosemite this past May.
Kyle Wilson steps down as President of the Rotary Club of Fillmore and Julie Latshaw begins the year ahead.
Kyle Wilson steps down as President of the Rotary Club of Fillmore and Julie Latshaw begins the year ahead.