Fillmore Rotary’s Water Safety with Josh the Otter
The Rotary Club of Fillmore is working to ensure Preschool children in the community receive Josh the Otter water safety materials before summer. They are partnering with the Fillmore Unified School District. Pictured are Katharine McDowell, Kelli Couse and Cindy Blatt holding up materials while remaining 6 feet apart, practicing social distancing guidelines. Courtesy Martha Richardson.
The Rotary Club of Fillmore is working to ensure Preschool children in the community receive Josh the Otter water safety materials before summer. They are partnering with the Fillmore Unified School District. Pictured are Katharine McDowell, Kelli Couse and Cindy Blatt holding up materials while remaining 6 feet apart, practicing social distancing guidelines. Courtesy Martha Richardson.