Fillmore Aquatics Center

The Month of August

Here is a list of upcoming events happening at the pool.

August 16, 2014 Safety Night- We will have Fillmore’s Finest here at the pool. The Fillmore Fire Department and The Fillmore Sheriff/Police Department will be on hand. 5-7 pm

August 29, 2014 Hot August Nights- Lets all get together to celebrate the end of summer. We will have music and other fun events. The evening is only $1 for all those attend. 5-10pm

We will still have 1 more afternoon session of swim lessons starting August 11- August 22 from 4:30, 5, and 5:30 p.m. only $50.00 for 2 weeks.

List of hours for the Month of August
Lap Swim A.M. session-Monday-Saturday 6:00 am to 8:00 am.
Lap Swim P.M. session-Monday- Thursday 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
Pools Last Day is AUGUST 30! Come say goodbye to the Summer!