Bardsdale 4-H new member enrollment

Bardsdale 4-H is having new member enrollments at our general meeting on Monday September 28th, 2009. We meet in the back room of the Veteran’s Memorial Building at 7 p.m. If you’ve ever thought of joining, now’s the time! We have lots of exciting projects to offer this year in addition to raising animals. Regular members must be between 9-18 years old, but we also offer projects for primary members aged 5-8. Community Service projects are also a big part of 4-H
Officers this year are: President: Brittany Gurrola, Vice President: Candace Stines, Secretary: Alexus Galassi-Duncan, Treasurer: Jessica Mayhew.
Questions? Call Cindy Stines 524-0650 or Cindy Klittich 524-4466, club community co-leaders. Come see what 4-H is all about!