Fillmore Christian Academy Serve-a-thon Fundraiser Update

Written by Gene Signor, FCA board member

Fillmore Christian Academy’s Serve-a-thon fundraiser was a great success in many ways. While a significant amount of money was raised to benefit the school’s computer lab and scholarship funds students, parents and faculty members also spent time together doing good for the Fillmore community. Doing good for others is a reminder to all who do so that there are some things in life that money cannot buy, including the good feeling that comes with sharing with others and doing deeds that benefit the community.

On April 30th FCA students, parents, and faculty members picked up trash at Shiell’s Park, spruced up the FCA campus, and collected food and clothing donated to the school that was later distributed to approximately 200 needy people in Fillmore by Faith Community Church Compassion Ministry volunteers on Saturday, May 8th.

Other students visited the residents of the Orange Blossom Villa and shared time with them using watercolors to paint and draw that was led by Mrs. Ana Rivera, who also donated all of the supplies necessary to create the artistic renditions by everyone involved. A great time was had by all!

After completing the serve-a-thon students, parents and faculty celebrated together at the school with a delicious meal generously provided by Vallarta Restaurant for a nominal fee that was paid for by Mike and Heather Richardson of Coastal Ag. Everyone had cotton candy and sno-cones and the students enjoyed playing games and a Jolly Jumper that was provided by Tom and Berta Mayhew.

As the school’s name implies, students are taught to follow the example of the one who went about doing good and helping others wherever He went.