Appreciation BBQ for our volunteers at St. Francis Church

Before the year of the Priest ends, Father Barney and Father Artu, of St. Francis Church, would like to invite all volunteers to a THANK YOU BBQ on Sunday, June 6, 2010. It will begin in the church with a rosary procession at 2PM and the BBZ will be served from 3:30PM to 4:30PM. Family games will follow. Please come to the Parish office by noon June 2nd and pick up a ticket for your family. You are invited to bring a salad to share or a finger dessert to share. For more information contact the Pastoral Center at 524-1306. Thank YOU.

Those included in the thank you BBZ: Altar and Rosary Society, Altar Servers, Brownies, All Catechists, Coros, Choirs, Christmas tree farm volunteers, Church Beautiful Committee, Decorators for the major feast days, Las Guadalupanas, Eucharistic Ministers, Fireworks volunteers, Finance Council, Grupo de Oracion, Knights of Columbus, Lectores, Lectors, Meals for our priests committee, Sunday Social Groups, Children's Mexican dancing group, Neo-catecumen, Respect Life Committee, Safeguard the Children committee, Sacristants, Saint Francis of Assisi Gift Shop, Saint Vincent de Paul, Saturday Garden Club, Small Church Community, Pequeñas comunidades, Ushers, Youth peer leaders. If we left anyone out, come out.