Photographer Marc Alt's “Shooting the American West" is Ojai Photo Club’s free presentation for September
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt
Photograph by Marc Alt

The Ojai Photo Club’s free monthly presentation for September will feature documentary photographer Marc Alt with “Shooting the American West.” The event will be held at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18, in Help of Ojai’s Kent Hall, 111 W. Santa Ana St., Ojai, CA.

For over one hundred years the romance of the American West has captivated the imagination of the world. The dynamic interaction of horses, cowboys and cattle has been the subject of countless films, television series, books, images and songs. Yet the gritty reality of life as a cowboy is still alive today, and Marc Alt travels across the Western states documenting the men and women who still ride and work in “the old ways.” He will present an in-depth look at cowboy traditions and trace their historical development from the ranchos of early California to the plains of Montana and the islands of Hawaii.

Alt will illustrate his presentation with work from his recent travels across Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and California. His images will feature a wide range of diverse locations, from million-acre historic ranches where the cowboys still sleep in bed-rolls in camp to a local event that showcases some of the traditions of horseman-ship and stockmanship from the Spanish and Mexican period in California.

More of Alt’s work is at: and on Instagram: @marcaltphoto

Monthly free presentations are part of the Ojai Photography Club’s community service and education outreach. The general public is always welcome to attend.

The club, which is devoted to education, inspiration, and camaraderie, meets on the third Tuesday of each month, February – November. Only members may sub-mit images for critique. More information is available at: