Roberto Reyes, of Santa Ana, California, died peacefully, though unexpectedly, at his home on April 30, 2021, from natural causes. He was 93 years old. He is survived by his wife of more than 70 years, three daughters and a son, six grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and millions of extended family members and friends who loved this quiet, gregarious, adventurous, and generous man.
Although born in Los Angeles, at three years old, his family relocated to Mexico, during the Mexican Repatriation. He came back to Los Angeles as a teenager and began his working career. He married Carmen in 1950. On his return from the honeymoon, Uncle Sam was waiting for him. He was inducted into the U.S. Army, serving as a jeep driver for a Major MacFarlin and as a radio operator, in Gelnhausen, Germany. While there, he was able to visit Spain and Italy, of which he talked about with fond memories.
After 2 years he returned home to meet the daughter born while he was gone. He added 3 more children to the “baby boomer” generation. To support them, in addition to working full time in metal manufacturing, he opened the Craftsman TV repair shop. Through a customer he was directed to the beginning of his “space travel” career, with a job at North American Aviation. He was substantially involved thereafter with, among other projects, the Saturn rocket program, the Gemini and Apollo space programs, and Shuttle programs, receiving many recognitions and awards for his achievements. He spent much time at the Houston Space Center. He retired from Rockwell International after more than 27 years of service. He still continued to work, this time 3 days a week for ReyCon Construction. He was their “Information Technology” guy.
In the meantime he took the family on many adventurous road trips in the 1956 Chevy wagon that he continued to own for the rest of his life. He had also become licensed as a private pilot. He logged many adventures with family and friends in his Cessna 172. He later moved on to serving with Carmen as “Support and Gear” crew, driving the support vehicle for the Santa Paula Harley team. Until the last few years of his life, he was always ready to travel to visit his relatives in Mexico, grandchildren, and friends.
Although primarily self-educated, he was an eager student of whatever presented itself to be learned. He was a voracious reader of history, especially of space, technology, and World War II. If it were not for the pandemic lock-down, he would have been signed up for classes at the Apple Store, to learn how to better use his Apple products. He was like so many young kids, in that you would be better communicating with him through text or email, rather that voice call.
An amazing and inspiring man, his most precious gift was sharing his enthusiasm for life. As a father, as a husband, as a grandfather, and as a friend, he will be missed. Hasta Lumbago, Don Roberto.
Services for Mr. Reyes will be held on May 21, 2021 at noon, at Pierce Brothers Santa Paula Cemetery, 380 Cemetery Rd., Santa Paula, California.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Robert Rey Garcia Jr Funeral Service, 830 E Santa Paula Street, Santa Paula.